Conducting expert examinations to determine the country of origin of the goods

The Agreement “On the Rules for Determining the Country of Origin of Goods in the Commonwealth of Independent States” signed in Yalta on November 20, 2009, was approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1046 dated July 27, 2010.
These Rules for Determining the Country of Origin of Goods affect goods coming from the states that are parties to the Agreement in the CIS and being in circulation between these states, to which the trade regime provided for in the Agreement on the Establishment of a Free Trade Zone of April 15, 1994 is applied.
Participation in the meetings of the Working Group on Amendments and Additions to the Rules for Determining the Country of Origin of Goods operating in the CIS Executive Committee is of great importance in order to benefit more widely from the free trade regime within the states that are parties to the Agreement, to create favorable conditions for foreign trade activities, and to support local exporters and manufacturers. In this created structure, the employees of the Center, in addition to actively participating in the discussion of proposals put forward regarding the introduction of changes, actively participate in preventing proposals that contradict the export interests of national entrepreneurs and putting forward alternative proposals. As a result, the basis for stimulating the export of goods of Azerbaijani origin is created, and it serves to increase export potential.
The procedure for determining the country of origin of goods imported from third countries to the customs territories of the states participating in the Agreement and exported from those states to third countries is regulated by the national legislations of the states participating in the Agreement and international treaties.
In accordance with the “Rules for Issuing a Certificate of Origin of Goods” approved by the Resolution No. 02 of the Collegium of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 25.04.2014, the applications of customers are sent to the Center for conducting an examination on determining the country of origin of goods by the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Supervision under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The following documents are attached to the application submitted by the customer:
- a copy of the certificate of state registration and an extract from the state register of legal entities, if the customer is a legal entity;
- a copy of the certificate of tax accounting of the individual, if the customer is a natural person engaged in entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity;
- a copy of the contract concluded between the customer and the buyer (if any);
- a copy of the invoice;
- a copy of the contract or other supporting documents confirming the purchase of the raw materials, semi-finished products or other materials involved in the preparation of the products for export;
- if the raw materials, semi-finished products or other materials involved in the preparation of the products for export are of foreign origin, a document (calculation) confirming that the value of the materials used as a result of processing has changed by at least one of the first four digits in the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity (CFE) or, in cases where the ad valorem share rule is applied, the value of the materials used has reached a certain percentage of the price of the goods shipped.
Expertise acts confirming the results of the expertise conducted by the Center in order to determine the country of origin of the goods are prepared and submitted to the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Supervision.